Dawn Damon

Healed from the Inside Out

About This speaker

After a childhood fraught with confusion, betrayal, and sexual abuse, Dawn struggled with trauma aftermath: depression, anger, anxiety, shattered self-esteem, digestive sickness and disease. Then God whispered four small words, releasing suppressed pain, bringing joy, and miraculous healing. Come to the Healer and find freedom through this testimony.

Grab a copy of Dawn's book, When a Woman You Love Was Abused: A Husband's Guide to Helping Her Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation @ https://www.amazon.com/When-Woman-You-Love-Abused-ebook/dp/B008RLPX1K?ref_=ast_author_mpb

- Visit her website at https://www.braveheartedwoman.com/

- Connect with her at your favorite social outlet using the icons at right and

- Invite her to speak at your upcoming event via https://www.womenspeakers.com/michigan/grand-rapids/speaker/dawn-damon

This testimony airs between 11 AM - Noon ET on summit day. See you there!

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Out of Betrayal, Abuse, Being Dedicated to Satan at Age 3 & More Miracle Stories

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