Jarm Del Boccio

Tears: Pathway to Purpose & Transformation

About This speaker

Jarm began life as the apple of her dear father’s eye. But when she was four, her father died unexpectedly, leaving an emptiness that only her Heavenly Father could fill. Join Jarm Del Boccio as she weaves purpose into the many losses God allowed to transform her into vessel for God’s glory.

Grab a copy of Jarm's book, The Heart Changer @ https://a.co/d/gEDtMwC

- Visit her website at https://www.jarmdelboccio.com/

- Connect with her at your favorite social outlet using the icons at right and

- Invite her to speak at your upcoming event via https://www.womenspeakers.com/north-carolina/leland/speaker/jarm-del-boccio

This testimony airs between 2 PM - 3 PM ET on summit day. See you there!

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