Karen Whiting

Son Healed of 11-Year, 24/7 Migraine

About This speaker

Doctors at Miami Children's hospital and John Hopkins Hospital could not even relieve the pain of Daniel's 11-year 24/7 migraine. After 11 years, he attended a prayer meeting saying, "Lord, if this is as good as it gets, I'm OK, but let my prayer help others." That night God healed him.

Grab a copy of Karen's book, Growing a Mother's Heart: Devotions of Faith, Hope, and Love from Mothers: Past, Present, and Future @ https://www.amazon.com/Growing-Mothers-Heart-Devotions-Present-ebook/dp/B0914S6S8V/ref=sr_1_12?crid=2HSGE6W8J1FF6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wr3od6ehUksw4F32wTKL26MbSt6yy3Oz8-g9C595tgnfLXyd7fSzPKs_3ha1jZWuPXBYojMG9ggZGQQTvcCOZUOa0DRkh4oWu7aKSqte4E0VSDFsS2iJE7SH0UPjj1fqV1AyDSfsDGsfjMUCMeBzKbFuyhIdRyW4VIbGg7xrP2hfTmAgSHkOT3nCUAoPo0uxp6l2OIKN3VXDUcvGkNkeYOq133mXCWwpOoPMGQECDJk.YDqftmWv2nucHk1WC4m6rz4MrZWg6PUsT50hwZB3p1E&dib_tag=se&keywords=karen+whiting&qid=1723731372&s=books&sprefix=Karen+Whiting%2Caps%2C171&sr=1-12

-Visit her website at http://www.karenwhiting.com/

- Connect with her at your favorite social outlet using the icons at right and

- Invite her to speak at your upcoming event via https://www.womenspeakers.com/florida/rockledge/speaker/karen-whiting

This testimony airs between 3 PM - 4 PM ET on summit day. See you there!

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God's Faithfulness Through Pain, Burglaries, Kidnapping, Adversity & Loss

Ann Medina Shana Strange-Williams Laurel Senick Cheri Strange Marnie Swedberg Karen Whiting Denise Jeter