Mindy Glaser

Freedom from Feeling Trauma, Abuse & Feeling Discarded

About This speaker

Mindy's deeply personal journey of faith offers hope for anyone who feels forgotten, discarded, or overlooked. With a heart full of compassion, she shares how God redeemed her life from eating disorders, depression, widowhood, 3 miscarriages, sexual abuse, parenting a special needs child, and financial loss.

- Visit her website at https://mindyjoyministries.com/

- Connect with her at your favorite social outlet using the icons at right and

- Invite her to speak at your upcoming event via https://www.womenspeakers.com/united-states/carson/speaker/mindy-glaser

This testimony air between 8 PM - 9 PM ET on summit day. See you there!

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Cancer, Tornadoes, Dysfunctional & Highly Functional Families Plus More Miracle Stories

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