Rhonda Stoppe

When Losing It All Isn’t Losing At All

About This speaker

Imagine leaving all of the comforts of home to live off the grid while raising kids. Rhonda Stoppe doesn’t have to imagine because she lived it. And boy, did God grow her faith. Listen, be inspired and learn how God will reveal himself to you when you choose to simplify your life.

Grab a copy of Rhonda's book, If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe @ https://a.co/d/8OSqh3H

- Visit her website at https://www.rhondastoppe.com/

- Connect with her at your favorite social outlet using the icons at right and

- Invite her to speak at your upcoming event via https://www.womenspeakers.com/california/livermore/speaker/rhonda-stoppe

This testimony airs between 1 PM - 2 PM ET on summit day.

Also, Rhonda has one-on-one interview session with Marnie about how God "stopped the fire" and will air between 9 PM - 10 PM ET on summit day, too. See you there!

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