Miracle Releases from a Prison Camp, Arrest, Eating Disorder & More

Miracle Releases from a Prison Camp, Arrest, Eating Disorder & More

Marnie shares the miraculous inspiration behind www.WomenSpeakers.com (now the largest online directory of its kind in the world), and the incredible God-story of her solo-navigation of the whole world, speaking 26 times in multiple countries PLUS

  • Overcoming Temptation: A Faith-Filled Transformation with Christine Trimpe
  • In the Nick of Time with Diane Andrews
  • Shocked & Arrested, Then God Stepped In with Claudette Milner
  • Cambodian Prison Camp to Freedom with Sara Im
  • Tears: Pathway to Purpose & Transformation with Jarm Del Boccio

About The Speakers

Marnie Swedberg

Marnie Swedberg

Summit Host: Multiple Miracle Stories

Marnie Swedberg

Dianne Andrews

Dianne Andrews

In the Nick of Time

Dianne Andrews

Christine Trimpe

Christine Trimpe

Overcoming Temptation: A Faith-Fueled Transformation

Christine Trimpe

Claudette Milner

Claudette Milner

Shocked & Arrested, Then God Stepped In

Claudette Milner

Sara Im

Sara Im

Cambodian Prison Camp to Freedom

Sara Im

Jarm Del Boccio

Jarm Del Boccio

Tears: Pathway to Purpose & Transformation

Jarm Del Boccio